
Kate Morris Jewelry

Our good friend Kate Morris is an amazing jewelry artist. She creates stunning pieces that go with virtually any outfit, and the story behind her company is rather interesting. When Kate was 16, she traveled to Bolivia on a mission trip. While she was there, she discovered all kinds of people using a vast variety of materials and colors to create art. She also discovered different types of gemstones, metals, and the jewelry making process. 

From then on she was sold. She was inspired to experiment and make jewelry of her on. It began as just making some pieces for herself, which led to making pieces as gifts for friends and selling to friends, which in turn led to online sales, local stores, and artisan shows.

Today, because of her love for missions, at least 10% of every order goes to the International Mission Board. We, at Bustle, are big fans of Kate Morris, and her jewelry is absolutely exquisite!

Charlie Party

The Charlie Party at Bustle on December 3rd gave us a chance to feature some of our favorite man-stuff. We had some of the greatest local artisans in Birmingham selling their merchandise and delivering high-fives. Charlie Birmingham launched their new line of pocket squares, Salence featured their incredible outerwear, Huckstraps brought their 100% recycled thermoplastic belts, ML Leather sold all types of leather goods and we did have something for the ladies... Kate Morris was there with her line of beautiful jewels and gems!

Not only were there tons of manly gifts to choose from, we also had some yummy bites from Happy Catering Co., custom cocktails by Noah McCullough, fresh coffee from Fivezies, and the best beats from DJ Coco. It was a wonderful night to say the least. 

Photos courtesy of Jett Walker Photogarphy.