spring gallery

Bustle Spring Gallery 2022

Three women in Bustle wedding gowns standing in front of forest mural with a large floral arrangement.
Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it’s a rebirth of the spirit.
— Toni Sorenson
Woman in wedding gown standing next to large windows in the sunlight

With April among us, the birds are caroling, the blooms are greeting us with their effortless radiance, and the weather has us wishing we could do everything outside. This serotonin filled season brings a sigh of relief to those that ache for a little extra sunlight - sayonara seasonal depression. Mindfulness is the mantra this spring. Wherever you are reading this blog, we invite you to take the deepest breath you’ve taken all day, hold, and on the exhale think about someone you love deeply. The natural smile that comes to you in those moments is your mindfulness at work. At Bustle, we know that Spring can be a demanding (and sometimes stressful) wedding season for brides. Taking a few moments out of your day to engage in mindfulness is a beautiful way to show adoration for the profound body that holds you.

Woman standing in Bustle wedding gown holding a flower

Reflecting on this intention of self-admiration, the Bustle team cultivated a photoshoot to exude the essence of this declaration.

“You are the handiwork, the ultimate craft.”

Let this season be your spring. Find yourself blooming with radiance for the year ahead. Not for the pleasure or enjoyment of anyone but yourself. We hope you enjoy this Bustle photoshoot of grand self-love.

This gallery wouldn’t be possible without the expertise of a brilliant collective of Birmingham women. Every detail considered with the most significant care. You can find each of these breathtaking artists linked at the end of the blog.

We are all in our Bridgerton era. We don’t need to be anyone’s diamond. We are the entire earth’s crust that gives the diamond. Long live the queens.
— Bustle
Woman standing in plunge wedding gown with a bouquet of white and pink flowers.
Woman in wedding gown tying roller skates next to a floral arrangement and disco balls.
Woman standing in Bustle wedding gown next to white and pink floral arrangement.

If you would like to visit the shop and try on one of these sensational gowns for yourself, you can make an appointment here. We cannot wait to help you find the dress of your dreams.







MODELS: Hyelim Cho Stockard, Trudie, Ashton Loreal

CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT: Laine White & Jillian Darling